A rather than Bの意味とは
A rather than B 意味
1. BではなくてA、BよりもむしろA
He prefers to be blunt rather than beat around the bush.
I'd like to put images next to each other rather than having one single column.
Lillian begins to long for the ordinary world of James and his friends rather than her own glamorous but superficial life.
Dinner entrees are so generous that the foods on plates result in heaps rather than portions.
Too often students are given answer to remember, rather than problems to solve.
It is the quality of sleep that counts rather than the quantity.
The most serious economic set-backs have stemmed from fast-moving capital rather than trade.
I prefer to read rather than watch TV.


  • on completion of  ~の完了時に
  • a barrage of  ~の集中砲火、~の連..
  • in the midst of  ~の真最中に
  • by the use of  ~を用いて
  • in early life  幼いときに、若いころ
  • anything else  何か他のもの
  • without incident  無事に
  • a couple of days  2,3日程度
  • every now and then  時々
  • in date order  日付順に
  • at the eleventh hour  土壇場で、ぎりぎりで..
  • keen as mustard  頭の切れる、理解の速..
  • for many years  何年も、長年、何年も..
  • to one's disappointmen..  ~がっかりしたことに..
  • by no stretch of the i..  ありえない、信じがた..
  • no more A than B  Bしないのと同様にA..
  • very image of  ~に生き写し
  • as yet  今までのところは、今..
  • day in and day out  毎日
  • in preference of  ~よりむしろ
  • < 一覧 >
    A rather than Bの意味は、「BではなくてA、BよりもむしろA」です。eigonary(エイゴナリー)は、英単語・英熟語・連語(コロケーション)・フレーズなどをやさしく説明するTOEFL・TOEIC・英検の英語学習辞書・大学入試向けの無料英語学習辞書です。
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