not A but Bの意味とは
not A but B 意味
1. AではなくB、Aすれば必ずB
not A but B 例文
The people who lived a long life were the ones who didn't try to relax or retire early but who attempted new things and were patient.
Traveling is not just about seeing new places, but also about experiencing new things.
This is not a compulsory activity but I hope that the whole team will get involved.
Its release price in Japan has not decided yet, but it is highly likely to be priced at over 2 thousand dollars.
I have not phoned him yet, but I will.
Smokers not only harm themselves but also the people around them.
It’s not that I dislike hamburg, but I don’t really eat.
She eats miso soup not only for breakfast but also for lunch and dinner.
Not only is he intelligent, but also kind to others.
I like not only soccer but also tennis.
It also has an ability to change not only its shape, but its color as well.
「not A but B」の例文をすべてを見る


  • once in a while  時々、たまに
  • after all  結局、やっぱり、いず..
  • in all likelihood  ほとんど確実に、十中..
  • too A to B  あまりにAでBできな..
  • with flags flying  威風堂々と、意気揚々..
  • by mail  郵便で
  • for certain  確かに、きっと
  • ifs and [or] buts  言い訳、理屈
  • live on the street  売春して暮らす
  • less and less  だんだん少なく、ます..
  • in line with  ~と一致や調和して、..
  • almost never  ほぼ無い
  • on that day  その日
  • along the street  通り沿いに
  • in a scornful tone  馬鹿にした口調で、軽..
  • for years  長年の間、何年も、何..
  • in respect to  ~に関して、~の点で..
  • participate in  ~に参加する
  • in one's own style  自己流
  • for good  永遠に、永久に
  • < 一覧 >
    not A but Bの意味は、「AではなくB、Aすれば必ずB」です。eigonary(エイゴナリー)は、英単語・英熟語・連語(コロケーション)・フレーズなどをやさしく説明するTOEFL・TOEIC・英検の英語学習辞書・大学入試向けの無料英語学習辞書です。
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