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This is an imaginary animal. |
これは想像上の動物だ。 |
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Injured animals are sometimes put to sleep. |
怪我をした動物は時々安楽死させることがある。 |
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He is cruel to animals. |
彼は動物に対して残酷だ。 |
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Birds differ from many other animals in that they can fly. |
鳥は他の動物と彼らが飛べるという点で違っている。 |
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Plants and animals will die out and crops will fail, making food and water resources increasingly scarce. |
植物と動物は死に絶え、作物は枯れ、食物と水源がさらに欠乏する。 |
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People began domesticating animals so that they could have food all the time. |
人々は食べ物をいつでも食べられるように動物を家畜化し始めました。 |
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There are five conditions necessary for domesticating animals successfully. |
成功的に家畜化するためには5つの条件が必要です。 |
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Most children aging two through four have a period when they are a bit afraid of animals. |
二歳から四歳までの子供のほとんどに、動物を少し怖がる時期があります。 |
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Drug companies are spending billions of dollars every year to study plants and animals for medicinal uses. |
製薬会社は、医学的利用を目的として植物や動物を研究するっために、毎年数億ドルをつぎ込んでいる。 |
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The different ways animals have developed to continue their species is truly amazing. |
種の存続のために動物が発展させてきた様々な方法には本当に驚かされる。 |
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If you had to be an animal, what would you choose to be? |
もし動物にならなければならないとしたら、あなたは何を選びますか。 |
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Their dances often imitate the animals and birds which they see around them. |
彼らの踊りには周りにいる動物や鳥類をよくまねする。。 |
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The trees, plants, and animals of the forest all depend on each other. |
森林の木々や植物、動物たちはすべてお互い依存しあっている。 |
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All over the world, animals are sources of medicine. |
世界中に動物は治療薬の資源である。 |
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Most of the animals we eat today were once wild. |
今日、私たちが食べる動物のほとんどはかつて野生でした。 |
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Cases are frequently reported of animals finding their way home over great distances. |
動物が膨大な距離を越え帰路を見つける事例はしばしば報告されている。 |
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The lake is rich in plant and animal life. |
この湖は植物や動物の生態の宝庫です。 |
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An example application of animal genetics is cloning. |
動物遺伝学の適用例はクローニングである。 |
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There are a number of different ways in which you can catch a virus from an animal. |
動物からウイルスを貰ってしまうには、いくつかの違った道筋があります。 |
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The animals were left to starve to death. |
その動物たちは餓死するまで放置された。 |
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The farmers want to bring hay to the animals trapped by the flood before they starve. |
農場主は洪水で閉じ込められた動物が飢える前にほし草を持っていってあげたいと思っている。 |
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She leads a nonprofit organization dedicated to animal welfare.
彼女は動物愛護のための非営利団体を率いています。 |
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She always sleeps with a stuffed animal by her side.
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Tigers are solitary animals, preferring to roam and hunt alone.
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Tigers are apex predators, preying on deer, wild boar, and other animals.
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Rabbits are crepuscular animals, most active at dawn and dusk.
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The zoo is home to a variety of exotic animals.
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Birds, such as eagles and sparrows, are fascinating animals to observe.
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The forest is teeming with animal life, from squirrels to deer.
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Endangered animals need protection to prevent them from becoming extinct.
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Some animals, like camels, are well adapted to living in desert environments.
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The aquarium has a diverse collection of marine animals, including fish and sharks.
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People have been domesticating animals like cows and chickens for thousands of years.
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The safari park offers visitors the chance to see wild animals up close.
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Animal shelters provide care and temporary housing for abandoned pets.
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Conservation efforts aim to protect the habitats of endangered animals.
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Insects, such as butterflies and bees, are essential pollinators in the ecosystem.
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Animal behavior can be studied to better understand their habits and instincts.
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The zookeeper feeds the animals twice a day.
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His daughter is volunteering at the animal shelter.
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His uncle is a veterinarian and loves animals.
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She won a stuffed animal at the fair.
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The Chinese zodiac has twelve animal signs.
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Seeing abandoned animals always makes me feel sad.
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Animals rely heavily on instinct for survival.