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I’ve been learning Karate for 7years. |
7年ほど空手をやっています。 |
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Learning a foreign language requires not just hard work, but courage as well. |
外国語を学ぶには、勤勉さだけではなく勇気も必要です。 |
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He put in lots of time learning English. |
彼は英語の学習にたくさんの時間を費やした。 |
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When it comes to learning a foreign language, nothing is more important than trying to find suitable opportunities to use the language. |
外国語の学習といえば、言語を使う適切な機会を見つけようとすることほど重要なことはありません。 |
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Learning a foreign language is learning another culture. |
外国語を学ぶことは別の文化を学ぶことです。 |
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The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us work together to maximize your child’s learning this year. |
このアンケートの目的は、今年のお子さんの学びを最大限のものにするために共に手助けすることです。 |
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Students have continued to be motivated, and have engaged themselves in all areas of learning. |
生徒達は意欲を持ち続け、学習の全分野に本気で取り組んでいます。 |
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Learning a new language can stimulate brain activity and improve cognitive function. |
新しい言語を学ぶことは、脳の活動を刺激し、認知機能を向上させることができます。 |
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He was genuinely interested in learning about different cultures. |
彼はさまざまな文化について学ぶことに心から興味を持っていました。 |
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She's learning how to parallel park the car.
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Life is about learning and growing.
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My daughter is learning to play the piano.
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Our grandson is learning to play the piano.
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Today, I'm going to start learning a new language.
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Opportunities for learning and development help individuals grow.
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She's learning to play a new instrument.
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Learning a new language can be difficult at first.
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She regrets not learning a second language.
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She's learning how to ride a skateboard.
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The trauma of the accident left deep scars in his mind, but with therapy, he's learning to cope. |
事故のトラウマが彼の心に深い傷を残しましたが、セラピーを受けることで、彼は対処する方法を学んでいます。 |