as long asの意味とは
as long as 意味
1. ~する限り、~さえすれば、~もの間
・ 類義語:
As far as(~する限り)は、知識・意見・視野の「範囲」で使う。
As long as(~する限り)は、知識・時間・期間の「条件」で使う。
If your fever is down for 6 hours, then it should be all right as long as you take it easy.
As long as they are here, they will be safe.
As long as I finish my homework, I will get a good grade.
I don't care as long as you are happy.
I do think as long as we've got ambitions in life we can do anything we want.
We will be running an weekly online competition for as long as this COVID-19 lockdown lasts.
I'll lend you the money as long as you pay me back soon.
He delayed making a contract for as long as possible.
Any book will do as long as the story is enjoyable.
Any question will do as long as it relates to music.
If you don't mind a humble home, you can stay as long as you want.


  • live in the street  外出がちである
  • so A as to do  とてもAなのでdoす..
  • at the end of the road  突き当たり、道路の終..
  • hopelessly  絶望的に、あきれるほ..
  • on consignment  委託販売で
  • as a matter of law  法的に見て、法律の問..
  • after graduation  卒業後
  • for a second  ちょっと、少し
  • off and on  不規則に、断続的に、..
  • at leisure  ゆっくりして、のんび..
  • for the record  記録するための
  • by profession  職業としては、職業は
  • less A than B  Bに比べるとAでない
  • for the time being  当分は、さしあたりは..
  • as needed  必要に応じて
  • in need  まさかの状態、必要な..
  • beyond description  言葉で言い表せられな..
  • quite a few  かなりの数の、相当数..
  • with absolute certaint..  確実に、確信をもって
  • as much as  ~と同じだけ、~と同..
  • < 一覧 >
    as long asの意味は、「~する限り、~さえすれば、~もの間」です。eigonary(エイゴナリー)は、英単語・英熟語・連語(コロケーション)・フレーズなどをやさしく説明するTOEFL・TOEIC・英検の英語学習辞書・大学入試向けの無料英語学習辞書です。
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