at homeの意味とは
at home 意味
1. 自宅で、在宅して、家の中で、国内で
2. 精通して
at home 例文
I forgot my lunch at home today.
Yesterday, I watched a movie at home.
We rented a movie to watch at home this weekend.
If your child is sick, please seek appropriate medical care and keep them at home until they have recovered.
We lit candles and enjoyed a quiet dinner at home for our anniversary.
Please keep your child home if they are sick. If a COVID-19 test is required, your child will need to stay at home until a negative test result has been obtained.
Does anyone happen to have this DVD at home and would be willing to lend it to us?
I have little time to rest at home.
A wonderful present was in store for me at home for my birthday.
私の誕生日のために、家に帰ると素晴らしい贈り物が 待ち構えていた。
He is at home more often than not on a Sunday.
「at home」の例文をすべてを見る


  • In my opinion  私が思うに
  • an array of  沢山の、数々の、多く..
  • in a helicopter  ヘリコプターに乗って..
  • under renovation  改装中
  • for the purpose of  ~の目的で、~するた..
  • under house arrest  軟禁されて
  • out of temper  不機嫌で
  • to one's regret  ~が残念なことに
  • by mutual consent  相互に同意して、相互..
  • on an international sc..  国際的な規模で
  • at ease  くつろいで、落ち着い..
  • just before  ~の直前に、~の手前..
  • in the long term  長期にわたると、長期..
  • nothing more than  ~にすぎない、~とま..
  • at work  仕事中、職場に
  • several times a year  年に数回
  • as usual  通常通り、一般的に、..
  • arm in arm with  ~と腕を組んで、~と..
  • after the first 3 mont..  最初の3ヶ月後に
  • as ~ as ever  相変わらず~だ、従来..
  • < 一覧 >
    at homeの意味は、「自宅で、在宅して、家の中で、国内で、精通して」です。eigonary(エイゴナリー)は、英単語・英熟語・連語(コロケーション)・フレーズなどをやさしく説明するTOEFL・TOEIC・英検の英語学習辞書・大学入試向けの無料英語学習辞書です。
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