both A and Bの意味とは
both A and B 意味
1. AとBの両方、AもBも
The road was lined with trees on both sides.
The team members support each other both on and off the field.
The painting is valuable both monetarily and sentimentally.
Unfortunately due to rain, the Final was incomplete and therefore both Teams were crowned Joint Champions.
With regard to the performance review, project managers were held accountable for both thier personal and team achievement.
Please stand tiptoe with both your arms extended upward.
Both you and I are right.
Daniel serves as president in both of the clubs which he belongs to.


  • in the light of  ~から見て、~を考慮..
  • on offer  売り物に出て、売りに..
  • on the premises  店舗内で、敷地内で、..
  • on a first-come first-..  先着順に
  • once for all  一度限りで
  • as it turns out  蓋を開けてみると
  • It is a pity that ~  ~は残念なことだ
  • in my entire life  今までに、今までの人..
  • from every corner  あらゆる所から、至る..
  • A is no more B than C ..  AがBでないのはCが..
  • nook and cranny  隅から隅まで
  • by occasion of  ~の理由で
  • all the year around [r..  一年中
  • in the afternoon  昼間に、午後、午後に..
  • behind one's back  ~のいない所で、~の..
  • in the long term  長期にわたると、長期..
  • with an air of innocen..  知らん顔をして、白々..
  • for lack of  ~がないため、~が不..
  • a few months ago  数ヶ月前に
  • as ~ as one can  できる限り~、できる..
  • < 一覧 >
    both A and Bの意味は、「AとBの両方、AもBも」です。eigonary(エイゴナリー)は、英単語・英熟語・連語(コロケーション)・フレーズなどをやさしく説明するTOEFL・TOEIC・英検の英語学習辞書・大学入試向けの無料英語学習辞書です。
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