budget 意味
1. 予算に計上する、予算案を提出する、予算を立てる
・ 発音: bΛdʒit (米国/英国) 、バジェット(日本)
1. 予算、経費、予算案、家計、バジェット、運営費
With champagne taste on a beer budget, I dream of traveling first class, but realistically, I'll stick to economy class.
I love looking at luxury cars even though I can only afford a used one. I guess I have champagne taste on a beer budget.
She has champagne taste on a beer budget, always wanting to dine at fancy restaurants even though she can't afford it.
A: I only earn minimum wage, but I can't stop buying designer clothes. B: You have champagne taste on a beer budget.
A: 最低賃金しかもらっていないのにブランド物の服を買うのをやめられません。B: それは身の程知らずですよ。
I have to find a good dictionary within my budget.
The budget is on target.


  • deficit  赤字、不足、不足額、..
  • economic friction  経済摩擦
  • annual revenue  歳入
  • Gross Domestic Product  国内総生産
  • quantitative easing po..  量的緩和政策
  • macroeconomics  マクロ経済学、巨視的..
  • revenue  収入、歳入、財源
  • tax reduction  減税
  • producer price  生産者価格
  • industrial infrastruct..  産業基盤
  • yen depreciation  円安
  • high income  高収入、高所得
  • commercial district  商業地区
  • economic slump  経済不振
  • a stagnant economy  低迷経済、停滞経済、..
  • foreign investment amo..  海外投資額
  • Foreign exchange  為替、FX、両替所
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