even thoughの意味とは
even though 意味
1. ~であるけれども、たとえ~ではあっても、~にもかかわらず、~だけれども
even if~は仮定の話やまだ不確定な未来を受けて「(これから/仮に)たとえ~だったしても」、even though~は現在の実際の話で「(現在は・事実として)~であるけれども/~だったしても」の意味を持つ。
I'll go tomorrow, even though it is raining now.
Even though she is not beautiful, I'm going to marry her.
They are like siblings to me, even though we're not related.
Many people are afraid of spiders, even though they're not insects.
I love looking at luxury cars even though I can only afford a used one. I guess I have champagne taste on a beer budget.
She has champagne taste on a beer budget, always wanting to dine at fancy restaurants even though she can't afford it.
Even though he's shy, he's not afraid to sing in public.
That company will end up first operating loss in this period, even though for the high profitable company as a representative of America.
Even though one is not talented, seriousness and patience may defeat the talented.
Even though one is talented, lukewarm attitude ruins a man.


  • at any price  どんなにお金がかかっ..
  • on the increase  増加中で
  • far and wide  至る所に、広範囲に、..
  • from coast to coast  全土にわたって
  • by plane  飛行機で
  • by the skin of one's t..  かろうじて、間一髪で..
  • on the loose  逃亡中で、逃走して、..
  • most of  ~の大部分、~のほと..
  • by the hour  時給で、時間決めで、..
  • after one's own heart  思いどおりの、気に入..
  • once every two years  二年に一度
  • in one's place  ~の代わりに
  • on demand  要求に応じて、要求が..
  • to a certain extent  ある程度まで、ある程..
  • one A, the another B  一つはA、残りすべて..
  • beyond dispute  議論の余地なく
  • all over again  やり直す、もう一度、..
  • off and on  不規則に、断続的に、..
  • each and every one of ..  あなた方一人一人に
  • on the globe  地球上
  • < 一覧 >
    even thoughの意味は、「~であるけれども、たとえ~ではあっても、~にもかかわらず、~だけれども」です。eigonary(エイゴナリー)は、英単語・英熟語・連語(コロケーション)・フレーズなどをやさしく説明するTOEFL・TOEIC・英検の英語学習辞書・大学入試向けの無料英語学習辞書です。
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