such asの意味とは
such as 意味
1. ~のような、例えば、~などの
・ 類義語:
Social media such as LINE, Facebook, and Twitter have become very popular.
Many insects, such as bees and ants, live in highly organized societies.
Insects, such as butterflies and bees, are essential pollinators in the ecosystem.
Birds, such as eagles and sparrows, are fascinating animals to observe.
Foreign institutional investors invest foreign funds such as US . pension funds in the Japanese stock market.
As a matter of fact, it is the tiny species, such as bacteria, that keep the planet in balance.
Opening large scale commercial facilities such as shopping centers decreased rapidly.
He rejected the use of violence and instead chose methods such as non-cooperation, civil disobedience and mass protests.
The government began requiring universities to consider factor such as race , ethnicity , and gender when selecting students for admission.
It was an authentic French dinner made with finest ingredients such as foie gras and truffles.


  • from hand to mouth  その日暮らしをする
  • once upon a time  昔々、昔
  • in private  秘密裏に、こっそりと..
  • on a first-come first-..  先着順に
  • certainly A ,but B  確かにAだが、しかし..
  • a great number of  多数の
  • next to impossible  不可能に近い、ほとん..
  • a lot of  数多くの~、多数の~..
  • on a surfboard  サーフボードで、サー..
  • How about ~ing?  ~してはどうですか
  • under no circumstances  どんなことがあっても..
  • As A, so B  AするようにBする
  • across the board  全面的に、全体的に、..
  • in chronological order  年代順に
  • in the bowels of the e..  大地の奥深く
  • to add to  ~に加えて、~の上に
  • by profession  職業としては、職業は
  • a string of  ~の連続
  • to the contrary  それとは反対に、それ..
  • under the weather  体の具合がよくない、..
  • < 一覧 >
    such asの意味は、「~のような、例えば、~などの」です。eigonary(エイゴナリー)は、英単語・英熟語・連語(コロケーション)・フレーズなどをやさしく説明するTOEFL・TOEIC・英検の英語学習辞書・大学入試向けの無料英語学習辞書です。
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