・ |
I bought bananas, apples, pears and so on. |
バナナ、リンゴ、梨などを買いました。 |
・ |
We can all pitch in and buy her something great. |
我々で一緒に協力して何か買おうよ。 |
・ |
You needn't have bought the book. |
君はその本を買う必要はなかったのに買ってしまった。 |
・ |
Why don't we buy the company trucks from a local dealer? |
会社のトラックは地元の業者から買おうよ。 |
・ |
I can only buy a motorbike if my parents approve. |
親が同意してくれさえすればバイクが買える。 |
・ |
If you avoided eating out,you could afford to buy healthier food. |
外食しないようにすればもっと健康的な食品を買う余裕もできるよ。 |
・ |
This car is very similar in size and color to the one my brother bought yesterday. |
この車の大きさと色は私の兄が昨日買った車とよく似ている。 |
・ |
They seem like happy because they bought a new house. |
彼らは 新しい家を買って幸せそうに見える。 |
・ |
I wish I had bought those shoes. |
あの靴を買っていればよかったのに。 |
・ |
Shoppers feel good about buying fair trade products. |
公正貿易の製品について好感を持ちます。 |
・ |
If you want to feel rich, just count all of the things you have that money can't buy. |
もしお金持ちの気分を味わいたいのならあなたが持ってるものでお金で買えない物を数えるだけでいいんです。 |
・ |
If I had not bought the watch at the store, I could buy this computer. |
あの店で時計を買っていなければ、このパソコンを買えるのに。 |
・ |
I bought 5 apples, but some of them were rotten. |
僕は5個リンゴを買ったが、そのうちのいくつかは腐っていた。 |
・ |
Luke bought a new type of computer, which saved him a lot of trouble in writing the paper. |
ルークは新型のコンピューターを買った。その事で彼が論文を書くのに多くの手間を省いた。 |
・ |
If I had more money, I would buy the newest model. |
もしもっとお金があれば最新モデルを買うのに。 |
・ |
He worked hard so that He could buy a house. |
彼は新しい家が買えるように一生懸命に働いた。 |
・ |
She didn't have enough money to buy the book. |
彼女は、その本を買うのに十分なお金は持っていなかった。 |
・ |
We have been experiencing difficult times to buy food, fuel, and daily household products. |
食料や燃料、日用品を買うのが困難な状態が続いています。 |
・ |
I bought a brand new smart phone yesterday. |
昨日新品のスマホを買った。 |
・ |
I will buy a chess board. |
チェス盤を買う。 |
・ |
The government agreed to buy 10 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine. |
政府はファイザーワクチン1000万回分を購入することに同意した。 |
・ |
Buy nine Farmhouse 1.5L Milks and get your tenth free!, |
ファームハウスミルク 1.5 リットルを9本購入すると10本目無料!, |
・ |
She bought a new dress for the occasion.
・ |
She bought a new car last week.
・ |
He's saving money to buy his dream car.
・ |
We bought tickets for the express train. |
私たちは急行列車の切符を買った。 |
・ |
Go and buy some books. |
何冊か、本を買いに行きなさい。 |
・ |
She's buying a new office chair online.
・ |
Be careful when you buy dirt cheap clothes. |
すごく安い服を買う時は気を付けて。 |
・ |
I bought some books at the used bookstore, and they were dirt cheap. |
その古本屋で本を買ったけど、めちゃくちゃ安かったよ。 |
・ |
She bought a new cloth to make curtains for her bedroom.
・ |
We need to buy some fish for dinner tonight.
・ |
A: I only earn minimum wage, but I can't stop buying designer clothes. B: You have champagne taste on a beer budget. |
A: 最低賃金しかもらっていないのにブランド物の服を買うのをやめられません。B: それは身の程知らずですよ。 |
・ |
Remember to buy milk on your way home.
・ |
He's applying for a financial loan to buy a house.
・ |
My old car finally broke down, so I had to buy a new one.
・ |
I bought a new dress for the party.
・ |
He's driving a new car he bought last week.
・ |
I bought a new dress at the department store downtown.
・ |
We're going to the department store to buy a new vacuum cleaner.
・ |
I need to buy a new pen refill.
・ |
I need to read the book review before buying it.
・ |
Let's stop by the shop to buy some groceries.
・ |
We stopped at the souvenir shop to buy gifts for friends.
・ |
He plans to sell his old car to buy a new one.
・ |
I'd like to buy this one. |
これを買いたいのですが。 |
・ |
I bought this book for 5,000 yen. |
この本を5000円で買った。 |
・ |
Buy 5, get 1 free. |
5つ買ったら1つはおまけ。 |
・ |
I need to buy groceries after work.
・ |
She buys new clothes every season.
・ |
They buy fresh flowers from the market every week.
・ |
He buys a newspaper every morning on his way to work.
・ |
We buy tickets online for the movie theater.
・ |
He buys a new smartphone every couple of years. |
・ |
They buy school supplies for their kids before the new term starts.
・ |
He buys a cup of coffee from the café every morning.
・ |
, |
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・ |
I buy organic vegetables from the local farm.
・ |
, |
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・ |
She buys books from the bookstore for her book club.
・ |
, |
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・ |
They buy snacks from the vending machine during break time.
・ |
, |
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・ |
He buys a lottery ticket every week hoping to win.
・ |
, |
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・ |
We buy furniture from the store for our new apartment.
・ |
, |
, |
・ |
They buy tickets to concerts and shows for entertainment.
・ |
, |
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・ |
He buys medicine from the pharmacy when he's sick.
・ |
, |
, |
・ |
I buy stationery items for my office from the stationery store.
・ |
, |
, |
・ |
She buys ingredients from the grocery store to cook dinner.
・ |
, |
, |
・ |
I’ll buy you lunch today. |
今日は夕食おごるわ。 |
・ |
I'll buy you dinner. |
夕食おごるよ。 |
・ |
The salesperson talked her into buying the expensive watch. |
セールスパーソンは彼女を説得して高価な時計を買わせました。 |